Weekly Planning & Organization Routine for Less Stress

Stress can quickly accumulate when we don't have a solid plan for managing our daily responsibilities. By establishing a weekly planning routine, you can significantly reduce stress levels and feel more in control of your life. This routine will help you stay organized, maintain a clean environment, and ensure you have time for self-care.

We've designed a comprehensive weekly planning routine to help you start each week with confidence and clarity.

Remember, consistency is key to making this routine effective. Start by incorporating one or two steps at a time, gradually building up to the full routine. Feel free to adjust the order or timing of these activities to best suit your lifestyle and preferences.

As you consistently follow this routine, you'll notice a reduction in your stress levels and an increase in your overall productivity and well-being.


Becoming More Organized

Grocery Shopping & Meal Prep

Preparing healthy meals in advance reduces daily stress and ensures you're nourishing your body and mind throughout the week.

Plan your meals for the week, make a shopping list, and head to the grocery store. Once home, prep ingredients or meals for the week ahead.

Use Mal Paper's Daily Goal Setter journal as you brainstorm your ideas and put a list together. It’s perfect for organizing your thoughts and ensuring you don't forget any essential items.

To make this task more enjoyable and energizing, brew yourself a cup of Cosmic Dealer's Herbal Koffee or their Drinking Chocolate Cacao Blend. These delicious and nourishing drinks will provide a natural energy boost as you plan and prep, making the process feel less like a chore and more like a self-care ritual.

Recommended time spent: (1-2 hours per week)

Organize Priority To-Dos

Taking time to organize your tasks can significantly reduce anxiety and overwhelm, giving you a clear roadmap for the week ahead.

Sit down with your Mal Paper's Daily Goal Setter journal and list out your priorities for the week, both work and personal. Break larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps and assign them to specific days.

Treat yourself to a square of Cosmic Dealer's 100% Raw Dark Chocolate Tablet to make this planning session more enjoyable. Not only does it provide a delightful moment of indulgence, but dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce stress hormones in the body, potentially enhancing your focus and mood as you plan.

Recommended time spent: (30mins)

Do Your Laundry

Maintaining clean, fresh laundry not only keeps your environment tidy but can also boost your mood and self-esteem.

You can even utilize the process of folding and putting away clean clothes as a meditative process to help clear your mind from the previous week. And with your laundry done, it is one less thing for you to worry about in the next week!

We love using Anatome's Cornish Lavender Pillow Spray on your freshly cleaned linens. The soothing lavender scent can help create a calm atmosphere in your bedroom and promote better sleep, reducing overall stress levels.

Recommended time spent: (1 hour active time, plus washing/drying time)

Tidy Up Your Spaces

A clutter-free environment can lead to a clutter-free mind, reducing stress and improving focus and productivity.

Spend some time tidying up your living spaces, office, and car. Focus on decluttering surfaces and organizing items that tend to accumulate during the week.

As you clean, light Cosmic Dealer’s Natural Ayurvedic Incense. The calming scent of aromatic herbs, woods, and plants can help make the cleaning process more enjoyable and less stressful. The subtle, exquisite fragrances can also create a cozy atmosphere as you work.

Recommended time spent:(1 hour)

Decompression Time

Dedicating time for relaxation and self-care is crucial for managing stress, improving mental clarity, and maintaining overall emotional well-being.

After completing your planning and household tasks, it's crucial to allow yourself some decompression time. This could involve reading a book, practicing meditation, or engaging in a hobby you enjoy.

For a truly relaxing experience, try using the NOW Tone Therapy Speakers during your meditation or relaxation time. These unique speakers emit soothing tones that can help calm your mind and reduce stress.

If you prefer a more physical form of relaxation, consider using Unmera's Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set. Lying on this mat for just a few minutes can help release tension in your muscles and promote a sense of overall well-being.

Recommended time spent: (30mins - 1 hour)