Daily Routine to Help Combat Depression

Depression can make even the simplest daily tasks feel overwhelming. However, establishing a consistent routine around the basics can be a powerful tool in managing symptoms and improving overall well-being. By incorporating small, manageable steps into your day, you can gradually build a foundation for better mental health.

We've designed a comprehensive daily routine to help you combat depression and regain a sense of control in your life.

Remember, consistency is key when implementing this routine. Start with one or two steps that feel most manageable, and gradually incorporate the others. Be patient and kind to yourself as you build these new habits. It's okay if you don't perfect the routine immediately – every small step is a victory.

As you follow this routine consistently, you may notice improvements in your mood, energy levels, and overall outlook on life.


Managing Depression

Consistent Wake Up & Bedtime 

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can significantly improve mood and energy levels, providing a stable foundation for managing depression.

Start by setting a consistent bedtime that allows for 8 hours of sleep. Use the Wilde House Paper Morning and Evening Routine Journal Bundle to track your sleep patterns and reflect on how they impact your mood. This journal can help you establish a calming pre-bedtime routine and set intentions for the next day.

Upon waking, consider taking Organic Lion's Mane by Mushrooms for Life. This supplement may support cognitive function and overall well-being, potentially helping you feel focused and refreshed as you start your day.

For those struggling with sleep, the Zeez Sleep Pebble can be a game-changer. This innovative device emits low-power electromagnetic pulses that mimic the brain's natural patterns during sleep, helping you achieve more restful nights.

Immediate Sunlight Upon Waking 

Exposure to natural light first thing in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythm and boost mood-enhancing neurotransmitters.

As soon as you wake up, try to get outside or sit by a sunny window for 5-10 minutes. Make this time enjoyable by preparing a warm, comforting drink like Cosmic Dealers Cacao Blend Sip it slowly as you bask in the sunlight, allowing yourself to start the day with a moment of peace and caffeine (but without the jitters!).

Make Your Bed

Completing this simple task first thing in the morning can provide a small sense of accomplishment and create order in your immediate environment.

Use the Mal Paper Habit Journal to track this and other small daily habits. Checking off "make bed" each morning can provide visual proof of your progress and motivation to continue building positive routines.

30 Minutes of Body Movement

Physical activity, even if light, can significantly improve mood by releasing endorphins and providing a sense of accomplishment.

Choose a form of movement that feels manageable and enjoyable. This could be a gentle yoga session, a short walk, or even some light stretching. We love the Yogi Bare Warm Sand Ever Grip™ Paws mat for any floor exercises, as it provides excellent grip and comfort.

Remember, the goal is simply to move your body. On tough days, even a few minutes of gentle stretching counts as a win.


A refreshing shower can serve as a physical and mental reset, helping you feel more prepared to face the day.

Transform your shower into a meditative experience by using the NOW Tone Therapy Speakers. The soothing sounds can help calm your mind and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

After your shower, apply Anatome Focus Wellbeing Perfume to your pulse points. This stimulating fragrance is designed to sharpen focus and enliven your senses, helping to energize you for the day ahead.

3 Nutrient-Dense Meals + 6 Glasses of Water

Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for managing depression symptoms and maintaining overall health.

Use Mal Paper's Daily Goal Setter journal to plan your meals and track your water intake. Having a clear plan can make healthy eating feel less overwhelming.

On days when preparing a full meal feels challenging, keep Cosmic Dealer Nut Butter Chocolate Box on hand. These nutrient-dense snacks can provide a quick energy boost and satisfy cravings in a healthier way.

Remember to be gentle with yourself as you implement this routine. Every small step you take is a victory in managing depression. Over time, these habits can become second nature, contributing to improved mood and overall well-being.

Reach Out For Support

If you're struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for additional support.

Or if you feel comfortable doing so chat with a friend, a family member or someone you trust. Just letting someone in on how you are feeling can feel like a weight of your shoulders and support you in your journey back to a more positive mental place.

If you need additional support click here to find a resource that can help you.